
Pakistani actor Qavi Khan passes away at 80

The entertainment industry in Pakistan is mourning the loss of veteran actor Qavi Khan , who passed away on Sunday at the age of 80. The news of his death has come as a shock to his fans, friends, and colleagues. Qavi Khan, a celebrated actor and recipient of the Pride of Performance award, had been living in Canada for his treatment and was believed to be suffering from cancer. The news was confirmed by Muhammad Ahmad Shah, President of Arts Council Karachi , and the son of the legendary actor, Adnan Qavi. The time and date of the funeral will be announced later, according to his son. Qavi Khan was one of the first actors on television in Pakistan and had worked in over 200 films and TV plays since the mid-1960s. He was known for his remarkable performances in films, TV dramas, stage plays, and radio programs. He was an icon in the Pakistani entertainment industry and a true legend. Born in Peshawar, Qavi Khan began his career with Radio Pakistan before moving to Lahore. He had an i

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